
Utilizing Drone Inspection Services: Overview by Industry

Utilizing Drone Inspection Services: Overview by Industry

In the past decade, drones have cemented their places in filmmaking, photography, and search and rescue, but with more advanced and accessible technology, they are becoming the leading tool for industries requiring visual inspections and maintenance of their assets like critical infrastructure. Learn how ProAerial Media (PAM) helps businesses gather better data, make better decisions, and mitigate risk across a variety of dynamic industries.

Flying Drones Over People: 2021 New FAA Rule Changes

Flying Drones Over People: 2021 New FAA Rule Changes

The FAA has recently updated the specifics around commercially operating drones under the Part 107 rules for flights over people, and while it is now legal to fly drones over people (and vehicles too) there are a few caveats (not to mention some math involved) you must be aware of in order to do so legally.

Flying A Drone At Night: 2021 New FAA Rule Overview

Flying A Drone At Night: 2021 New FAA Rule Overview

Flying a drone at night is now legal for all UAV Pilots as long as they adhere to the new FAA rules and regulations under CFR Part 107, which went into effect on April 21, 2021. Learn what is required to remain compliant and additional considerations to ensure your night operation is safe.

What Is FAA Remote ID? 2021 New Drone Rule Overview

What Is FAA Remote ID? 2021 New Drone Rule Overview

Commercial UAV operators have a slew of new rules to familiarize themselves with as of April 21st, 2021. The primary driver of all the new rules is the Remote ID requirements, allowing drone pilots greater operational capabilities and is considered by many as a necessary step for further integrating drones into the National Airspace System (NAS).

Meet Professional Las Vegas Drone Pilot: Christopher Kabat

Meet Professional Las Vegas Drone Pilot: Christopher Kabat

Being from the Windy City, he’s naturally full of hot air. He prefers to travel by car, and only via two-lane county backroads. His bird is named after his drink of choice, his dog is named after a bird, and according to his voicemail, he works with International Super Spy Sterling Archer. Yeah, you read that right. He is Professional Las Vegas Drone Pilot Christopher Kabat, of ProAerial Media LLC (or PAM for short).

How To Sell Rural Vacant Land with Aerial Photos & Video

How To Sell Rural Vacant Land with Aerial Photos & Video

Residential and commercial Realtors, real estate companies, and property management businesses, all leverage aerial photography, and video in their real estate listings. But what about using aerial photos and video for rural vacant land sales?

In this article, we’ll be showing some of the services a commercial UAV pilot or aerial photographer can provide to realtors and those selling undeveloped land.

What Is Drone Mapping Used For? Overview + Use-Cases

What Is Drone Mapping Used For? Overview + Use-Cases


Just about anything that you could stand to have a better look at or view of. Drone surveying and mapping literally give you the ability to “see the big picture” — but perhaps the most important single thing a drone is used for is to ‘save time’.

Can You Fly A Drone At Night? The 107.29 Daylight Waiver

Can You Fly A Drone At Night? The 107.29 Daylight Waiver

The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR Part 107) governing drone operations in the United States explicitly limits drone operations during daylight hours and during what is called civil twilight, which is defined as the 30 minutes before official sunrise and after official sunset. Outside those hours on any given day, it is illegal to fly a small unmanned aircraft for commercial purposes. That is unless…

COVID-19 Update: Drone Flight Operations + Social Distancing

COVID-19 Update: Drone Flight Operations + Social Distancing

In recent weeks nearly every single American (and global citizen) has experienced the effects of the COVID-19 Coronavirus Crisis and its fallout is unparalleled for most. There is a tremendous amount of uncertainty as to what is to happen next as “Shelter-In-Place” and “Stay @ Home” become the new slogans of major metropolitan areas across the country. With everything seemingly put on pause or canceled, we’re all looking for more (and new) things to occupy our time while we wait this thing out.